Is the Queen Anne Hotel in San Francisco Really Haunted?

The Queen Anne Hotel in San Francisco is rumored to be haunted, but it’s not what you think!

While other hotels in San Francisco are plagued by vengeful spirits, the Queen Anne Hotel is rumored to be the home of one of the friendliest ghosts in existence.

In this article, we will explore the history of this haunted hotel, as well as share a few insights about its paranormal residents.

The History of the Queen Anne Hotel

Built in 1890, the Queen Anne Hotel was originally one of the most exclusive girls’ boarding schools in the San Francisco area.

The headmistress of the school, Miss Mary Lake, allegedly had an affair with James “Slippery Jim” Fair, the Senator who funded the building of the beautiful Victorian mansion.

Mary Lake denied the rumors, but it didn’t do her much good.

A local newspaper published an article titled “Cupid and Mr. Fair,” and the nasty rumors of the affair continued circulating until Mary’s death.

Since her death, the Queen Anne Hotel has had many owners, from brothel owners to church caretakers, to mysterious secret societies.

With such a curious history, it is no surprise the hotel could be haunted – but by whom?

Is the Queen Anne Hotel in San Francisco Haunted?

1. The friendliest ghost

The ghost residing in the Queen Anne Hotel is different from the spirits that plague other San Francisco hotels.

The ghost is reportedly incredibly friendly and often takes care of the hotel’s guests as best as it can.

Unpacking suitcases, tucking guests in, and singing to them while they fall asleep… This is a ghost that wants everyone to feel at home here.

Could it be that the hotel is haunted by Mary Lake, the former headmistress of the school?

Even though she is buried more than 3,000 miles away, most people seem to think so.

The majority of the reported hauntings have occurred in Room 410, which was once Mary’s office.

Once, a resident of Room 410 even woke up to find themselves on the floor with their bedding neatly tucked around them!

2. The ghosts of secret societies

The hauntings at the Queen Anne Hotel are not limited to Room 410.

Guests also report feeling cold spots in the hallways and seeing strange reflections in the mirrors all around the hotel.

Rumor has it, the hotel once housed the meetings of a secret society that had something to do with astrology… Could they have dabbled in paranormal matters as well?

3. A spooky neighbor

Mary Ellen Pleasant, the so-called voodoo queen of San Francisco, lived right across the street from the Queen Anne Hotel in the 1800s.

Who knows, perhaps her antics also have something to do with the paranormal activity at the Queen Anne Hotel!

The Haunt Experience

The Queen Anne Hotel is not the only haunted establishment in San Francisco, far from it!

If you’d like to know more about the most haunted locations in San Francisco, check out our Haunted San Francisco Ghost Tour.

It will take you on an unforgettable journey through the streets of downtown to show you a different, darker side of San Francisco.


Book a tour now.

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